Published By: Vallari Apte

Different teas for mental health

Mental health has come to the forefront in recent years. And several of us try to find home remedies to keep ourselves calm and stress-free. One of the simplest products in our kitchen pantry- tea is the underdog of giving us several benefits of having good mental health. So read on and choose according to your needs.

Relax with Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is made of dried Chamomile flowers and is well known for its relaxing smell. Usually, people drink it before sleeping to generate peace of mind and to get a good night's sleep. This tea is also used by people with anxiety as it shows a significant decrease in the symptoms. People under stress are also advised to have Chamomile tea for a soothing state of mind.

Stay happy by drinking Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is a really great caffeine-free option to have for several health benefits apart from a fresh breath. It boasts anti-inflammatory properties that help relieve inflammation and pains in the body. Peppermint tea has also been known to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress. Just steep a few fresh peppermint leaves in hot water and relax!

Keep migraines at bay with Lavender Tea

Lovely colour and a sweet smell are not the only factors that have a soothing effect on us. Drinking lavender tea is equally beneficial for our body and mind. If you feel bloated or have an upset stomach, drinking lavender tea helps a lot. Apart from this, it helps rejuvenate your skin by preventing fungal infections and inflammation due to chemicals in the beauty products. That’s not it- you should drink it to relieve menstrual pains, to keep your immune system healthy, for migraines, hair growth, respiratory health, and a lot more.

Get multiple benefits with Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most researched teas in the market and is pretty popular amongst health fanatics. One of the major reasons they drink this tea is because it has fat-burning properties and helps in weight loss. It also reduces bad cholesterol in the blood, which in turn affects the reduction of cardiovascular diseases as well as type 2 diabetes.

Keep your memory sharp by drinking Lemon Balm Tea

Also called Melissa tea, Lemon balm tea is popular across the world for its minty-lemony flavour and curing several ailments. It is literally beneficial to the body from head to toe, inside-out. Drinking it regularly prevents early Alzheimer's and makes the disease more manageable. It also helps in digestion problems, even in small children. It improves heart condition to some extent and even helps in speeding up infections like cold sores, itching, etc.

Apart from drinking the above teas for your mental health, it is also necessary to consult a doctor if the symptoms are serious.