Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Health Benefits Of Corn

Many individuals can't decide if maize is a vegetable or a grain. But the real question is, is it healthy for you?

Corn, like other whole grains, may be highly healthy if consumed in moderation. As a result of its lack of gluten in its natural state, corn can be used as a substitute for wheat by persons with gluten intolerance. The following are four additional ways in which corn might improve your health.

Whole-Grain Corn Is a Powerhouse

Corn belongs to the group of foods that are good for you since they contain all the parts of the grain.

Consuming whole grains has been linked in a number of studies to a reduced chance of developing cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity. However, the size of one's serving is crucial.

Make an effort to eat quantities that are suitable for your needs and the degree of exercise you engage in.

That's the equivalent of one ear of corn, half a cup of oven-roasted kernels, or three cups of popcorn for the average adult female.

You'll Get Lots of Important Nutrients from It

According to a paper published in Food Science and Human Wellness in September 2018, corn is a good source of several essential nutrients. Potassium, for instance, is a mineral found in maize that aids in maintaining normal blood pressure, heart function, muscular contractions, prevents muscle cramps, and assists in maintaining muscle mass.

The primary carotenoids (or pigments) in maize, lutein and zeaxanthin, protect your eyes and have been found to lower the risk of eye diseases including macular degeneration and cataracts.

Quercetin is an antioxidant that has been demonstrated to protect against neurological illnesses like Alzheimer's and reduce inflammation, both acute and chronic.

Apoptosis, the natural process by which damaged or unhealthy cells destroy themselves, has also been related to quercetin.

Blue and purple maize are anti-inflammatory due to their high levels of antioxidants. They protect against oxidative stress, which is caused by an inadequate balance between the body's generation of cell-damaging free radicals and its capacity to neutralise them.

Corn aids with digestion

Get enough of insoluble fibre, which does not dissolve in water and is thus not absorbed by the body, by eating corn. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition in June 2019 indicated that increasing one's fibre intake was associated with reduced body fat. Due to its high fibre content, maize may also aid in weight management by making you feel fuller for longer after eating.