Published By: Ishani Karmakar

How Seasons Can Affect Your Sleep And How To Combat That

Does anybody else find that they require less sleep in the summer and feel more refreshed and ready to take on the day when they do get up? Why we change our sleeping habits with the seasons has a scientific basis.

Studies demonstrate that due to the shorter days of winter, people feel the need for extra sleep. Melatonin is a hormone produced by the body that induces sleep when it's time to go to bed. Due to the decreased daylight hours, this procedure must begin earlier in the day. But, winter makes it more challenging to obtain a good night's rest.

Fatigue and even weight gain are just two of the many harmful health effects of not getting enough shut-eye. Luckily, there are certain things you can do to make sure you get a good night's sleep whenever you need it.

Enjoy the Sun

Studies have shown that people with low levels of vitamin D produce less serotonin, which can disrupt their natural sleep-wake rhythms. A deficiency in vitamin D3 is linked to SAD symptoms. Vitamin D supplementation is necessary for around one billion individuals worldwide. Vitamin D levels can be increased with as little as 10 or 15 minutes of daily sun exposure, depending on skin color. Try sitting by a window at work or going for a little walk during lunch.

It's best to get some shut-eye in a cool space

Between sixty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit is ideal for sleeping. You may not get a good night's sleep if the temperature is too low or too high. The cool air around you aids your body in settling into a restorative sleep state. But, in the sweltering summer, it may be challenging to achieve such temperatures. The body can begin the process of cooling down in preparation for sleep by taking a warm bath one hour before bed.

Thunder and Lightning

Weather conditions, such as seasonal storms and shifts in barometric pressure, may make it difficult, if not impossible, to fall asleep or stay asleep. Fear of weather-related catastrophes including flash floods, lightning strikes, and tornadoes is a contributing factor. If you're expecting a storm when you're trying to sleep, you can block out the noise using earplugs or white noise.

Shut Out the Lights

If you have a profession that needs you to get up very early in the morning, you may find it difficult to get in a full eight hours of sleep each night, even if you feel more refreshed in the summer. At the height of summer, the sun doesn't set until late at night, making it hard to get to sleep because the room is still too light. Putting up blackout curtains or using a face mask can help. Because of this, you may trick your body into thinking it is nighttime even though it is still early in the evening when you go to sleep.