Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Is Ginger Ale A Healthy Drink? Benefits And Tips

Ginger ale is one of the most well-liked carbonated beverages. It is made mainly from ginger and ginger bugs. The drink can be consumed as a stand-alone beverage or in a mixed drink.

Although ginger ale has been around for many years, it is now becoming increasingly popular due to its health benefits. Although ginger ale is a healthy beverage, there are some drawbacks. This post will explain more about this beverage.

What is Ginger Ale?

Ginger ale is a soda that has a ginger flavour. Traditional ginger ale is made from fresh ginger root, sugar, and other flavourings that are fermented with water and microbial cultures (yeast and ginger bugs). To make ginger ale fizzy and healthy, fermented ginger is used.

Potential Health Benefits Of Ginger Ale

May Help Treat Nausea

Nausea can be described as a painful sensation in the throat or epigastrium (upper stomach). Research studies state that ginger consumption may reduce nausea associated with migraine headaches, stomach flu, morning sickness and chemotherapy. The gingerols and shogaols could explain this effect. Their pungent flavour is due to the gingerols found in fresh and dried ginger root rhizomes. They are well-known for their medicinal properties.

May Aid Digestion

Animal studies have shown that ginger can stimulate the production of certain digestive enzymes. The activity of pancreatic lipase was increased by ginger intake. Consuming ginger ale may also increase trypsin or chymotrypsin activity, which are enzymes that play an important role in digestion.

May Help Manage Migraine

The ginger in ginger ale may also provide migraine relief. Ginger has been used in the treatment of migraines with positive results. However, this area needs more research.

Helps Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis

Studies state that ginger may effectively help in managing the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Ginger may be able to increase FoxP3 gene expression and reduce RORgt, T-bet gene expression and help with the management of the condition. This aspect of the condition requires more research.

Exhibits Cardioprotective Properties

Studies have also shown that ginger has cardioprotective properties. Ginger's antihypertensive, hypolipidemia and anti-platelet properties are believed to be responsible for its cardioprotective effects. To better understand the mechanisms, more quality research is needed.

These benefits may be due to the ginger in ginger ale, but they could also depend on how much ginger is in the drink.