Published By: Urbee Sarkar

Keto Smoothies That Taste Like Milkshakes

Smoothies that are delicious and healthy make your tummy happy!

Keto diet is one of the hardest things to do. A low carb diet that takes fat to burn fat and a keto smoothie would be the perfect thing to go to for a breakfast or a meal. With carbs being restricted in a keto diet, your options are limited as well. However, keto smoothies can act as perfect replacements for all the good carbs that you are craving but not being able to get your hands on. These smoothies are spot on when it comes to both the taste and the health factor and you can than the fat for that. Here are a few keto smoothies that will legit make you feel like you are having a milkshake.

Something As Simple As Lettuce
Ever thought that a lettuce smoothie could actually taste like a delicious milkshake? The lettuce smoothie is based around bananas and follows all the guidelines of a good keto smoothie. The ingredients include bananas, almond milk, strawberries and chopped lettuce (lots and lots of it). Add a little protein powder to it if you are feeling a little experimental. You get all the goodness of the massively loaded nutrients and the taste is to die for. A good tall glass of this lettuce smoothie will have about 283 calories with approximately 8 grams of fibre, 26 grams of protein and only 3 grams of fat in it.
Peanut Butter Is Not Just For The Toast
Everyone’s favourite, peanut butter makes it to this list of keto smoothies and it is a revelation! The smoothie contains a mix of avocadoes and peanut butter and will bring big bold flavours in your mouth. Moreover, this smoothie is the perfect addition to your keto diet since it keeps your stomach for incredibly long hour. Top the smoothie with some extra peanut butter powder to bring out that oomph factor and trust us, you are going to love it!
Matcha Smoothie And Keto Are A Match Made In Heaven
The base of the matcha smoothie is made with coconut milk and almonds. The star of this sinful but healthy smoothie is of course the matcha tea powder that is a rich source of antioxidants and can spike up your energy levels. This smoothie will get things done on days you don’t even feel like getting out of the bed.