Published By: Ed Powers

Know These 6 Fruits Loaded With Sugar

Fruits are an excellent source of sugar and completely organic one, but it can cause discomfort to those with certain ailments.

Consuming more sugar than the USDA recommendation of a maximum of 12 teaspoons (50.4 grams) a day is a worldwide health issue. It's not that easy - sugar is everywhere! - visibly in manufactured sweet foods & beverages like cakes, sodas & candies, etc. and stealthily in ketchup, yoghurt etc.

Fruits with their natural sugar, fructose, and lesser calories are a better sub, unless you have diabetes and fatty liver. So, whatever be the case you need to be aware of the following fruits with high sugar content.


One cup of these packs in 17.7 grams of natural sugar. And, its surprising benefits include reduction of oxidative stress and inflammation in the body.

Incidentally, more of that anti-inflammatory benefits without the calories can be had in strawberries - 7.4 grams of sugar in one cup serving.


Often referred to as 'nature's candy' and with 23 grams of fructose available in a 1.5 cup serving, rightly so. You can sub them for blackberries which not only has a meagre 7 grams of sugar for a similar measure but also helps fight obesity.


Some varieties may be sweeter than others, bananas, on an average reserve a whopping 27.5 grams of sugar (51.4 grams of total carbohydrates). Though being creamy, they may be viewed as fattening but au contraire, they are low in cholesterol and saturated fat. These 'self-packaged' fruits, which are quite filling, are the world's fourth-ranked food crop in sales.

If you are gunning for the fullness factor, try avocados which are even more fulfilling with lesser sugar (0 sugars, 4 grams of total carbs, in a cup) and healthy fats to boot.


There's no fooling anybody about the sugar content in mangoes - is it? All of about 23 grams in a cup. They also provide a good dose of fibre, something which is found, only amplified, in papayas. Papaya also has decreased levels of sugar in equal serving and more of the naturally occurring probiotic enzymes.


One of those fruits with the highest fructose concentration - a medium-sized pear will release 16 grams of sugar - the body struggles to absorb it all, often causing indigestion!

You can either do a portion control on a pear or bite into a similar-sized apple, which besides giving off 10 grams of sugar also helps regulate blood sugar.


A cup of pineapples with its 16 gms of sugar may be acceptable in this list. Even better - guavas with 9 grams of sugar in a 100-gram serving which additionally is also rich in soluble fibre and in its ability to keep blood sugar spikes in check.