Published By: Sohamhalder227

Most unique and surprising sources of protein

Protein, one of the most important elements required for the human body, can be obtained from a wide range of sources.

What foods come to your mind when you hear the word protein? It must be animal meat, lentils, and beans. They are, of course, good sources of dietary protein. But, you can obtain protein from some unknown food items, which are equally important. What are those items? Go through this article for details.

Sweet Potatoes provide 4 grams of protein per cup:

There is a myth that sweet potatoes only provide carbohydrates, which is certainly not true. Sweet potato is a brilliant source of protein. Many dieticians suggest sweet potatoes for their low-fat content. One exciting recipe is a sweet potato smoothie, which can be prepared with milk, banana, and cashew butter.

Artichoke Hearts provides approximately 3-4 grams of protein per cup:

Don't get surprised to see Artichoke Hearts on this list. It is truly a good protein source. People often get frustrated due to the trimming and peeling of artichoke hearts. To avoid this, you may choose frozen or canned artichoke hearts available in supermarkets. Add them to pasta with some Parmesan cheese to get maximum benefits.

Kamut provides 11 grams of protein per cup:

This is an ancient grain that can be consumed by chewing. Kamut tastes sweet and nutty, just like farro. Loaded with protein, you can add Kamutto risotto. Consume it with herbs and veggies to get maximum benefits.

Hemp Seeds provide 26 grams of protein per half cup:

Yes, hemp seeds are highly proteinaceous. Include hemp seeds in your salad menu. Even a few amounts of seeds daily can provide a huge boost to your protein requirement.

Cooked half-cup Amaranth provides 4.7 grams of protein:

This is an ancient pseudo-grain. Sounds strange, right? Amaranth is actually a seed. This gluten-free item provides almost every essential amino acid to the human body. You can use this as crunchy toppings or cooked into porridge.

One tablespoon of Peanut butter provides 5 grams of protein:

Many people unknowingly use peanut butter spread on morning toast. This is high in essential amino acids. It also provides a good amount of magnesium and vitamins. If don't prefer peanut butter, start consuming almond butter, which is equally beneficial.

150 grams of Broad beans provide 11 grams of dietary protein:

This is an ancient bean, considered among the list of one of the earliest farmed crops. Archaeologists confirmed the existence of broad beans in ancient Troy. Regarded as the kings of beans, these beans are enriched with vitamin C, folate, fiber, iron, thiamine, and riboflavin.

Half a cup of Wheat berries provides 12 grams of proteins:

Wheat berries include whole and unprocessed wheat kernels. You can consume it like rice or pasta. However, it's not a gluten-free food, so you must consult with your dietician before consumption.

Apart from that, wild rice and quinoa are also good sources of proteins providing around 10-12 grams of dietary protein per half-cup.