Published By: Satavisha

Six Most Powerful Fighters In Jump Force

One Piece, Dragon Ball, and JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Jump Force's roster is filled with some of anime's greatest fighters. But who is the strongest?

 More often than not, a player's selection will mostly be determined by their anime preferences. While some characters have a noticeable disadvantage, like Sanji not being able to fight (the five) female characters, most are viable. Still, certain fighters will always be better than others. Here are our picks for some of the most powerful fighters in the game.

Yugi Moto

Yugi Muto is the modern-day version of Pharoah Atem and together with his spirit, holds the title of 'King of Duelists'. While fighting with cards might seem silly on the surface, Yugi is arguably the best distance fighter in Jump Force. It seems like his entire moveset is forged around keeping opponents at a safe distance.


Kenshin is among the most overpowered characters in the game, with a rush combo that seems to last forever and delivers decent damage. Kenshin's heavy combo is also effective, ending with a spinning attack that usually breaks through guards.


In Jump Force, Hisoka is one of the more strategic characters, with a moveset that requires precise timing and patience. His counters are designed to catch those who run into battle without much thought and are particularly effective at breaking up combos or ability spammers.

Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo is a very complete character. It would be nothing short of a travesty if he wasn’t a top performer in the game. Luckily, he’s equipped with an arsenal of very fast, damaging attacks, and is another S-rated character on early tier lists. He’s the savior of good souls and the bane of Hollows everywhere, and these are qualities that employers truly value.


One of the most dastardly and iconic villains in all of these franchises. That’s right. Frieza is here, and he’s fully prepared to erase you, your hopes and dreams, and your whole planet if you cross him. He is also the only villain to achieve god-level power and also in a record time of 4 months. As a character, he is built mainly as a zoner character.

Roronoa Zoro

Zoro is the swordsman of the infamous Straw-Hat pirates on a journey to become the greatest swordsman in the world. He has undergone insane training from his youth to hone his skills and built up all the muscles in the human anatomy to the point where his jaw and neck had the strength to hold a katana with ease. As a character, he has slightly better damage output than Ichigo and an unblockable attack that deals insanely high damage.

Jump Force has been one of the most unique crossover fighting games due to its combination of characters and the involvement of their powers from their own worlds.