Published By: Ishani Karmakar

Super Healthy Korean Habits That Will Help You Lose Weight

Why are Koreans so physically fit? Can you copy their habits to lose that stubborn weight?

Korean skincare routines has taken the world by storm, following in the footsteps of K-dramas and K-pop hits. Once again, we have fantastic news to share with anyone who has been swept up in the wave of Korean culture. Weight loss is one area where Korean culture has made a significant impact, and it's an area in which many of us face significant challenges. Not only are Koreans renowned for their beautiful skin and fantastic music, but they are also recognised for their fantastic physiques. Here are five amazing habits from the Korean way of life that can help you slim down and live a better, happier life!

Eat Vegetables

Aside from seafood and non-vegetarian meals in general, there is one item Koreans refuse to go without: veggies. In order to ensure that the colour pallet is diverse, they eat a lot of vegetables and always put their vegetables first. The fact that they are so trim and healthy is mostly attributable to this.

Go for foods that have been fermented

Kimchi is a traditional side dish served with every Korean dinner. To make Kimchi, pickled or fermented vegetables are typically used. Some of these are garnished with a variety of herbs and spices such as garlic and chilli peppers. Weight reduction is greatly aided by the use of fermented foods.

Reduce your intake of fast food

Home-cooked meals, rather than fast food or street food, is highly regarded by the Korean public. It's very uncommon for them to dine out, thus their bodies are far healthier and fitter than those who eat on the go or eat out frequently.


Walking and running are common activities in the Korean way of life due of their love of travelling and walking. When it comes to short trips or trips within the same city, they aren't picky about whether they take public or private transportation. Because of their tendency to favour physical activity to a sedentary one, they tend to have healthier lives and have physically appealing bodies.

Eat healthy protein

Koreans consume a lot of healthy natural proteins as a part of their diet. They opt for lean protein that is minimal in both fats and calories in comparison to high-fat non-veg items. High protein content in one’s meals aids in sustaining a healthy appetite and keeping one feeling full for extended periods of time – so you don’t binge on unhealthy foods.