Published By: Urbee Sarkar

The Best Cheeses In The World

Looking to indulge in some cheesy affair? Well, look no further!

There must be only a handful of people in the world who are not fond of cheese. We mean, not liking cheese should almost be considered a crime. Nonetheless, for those who love eating cheese, we know that there’s no stopping when it comes to it. Naturally, the cheese connoisseurs would like to know what are considered the best cheeses around the world. Here are some of the best cheeses in the world.

The Asiago Cheese Is A Versatile One

Asiago cheese dates back to centuries ago and traditionally comes from Italy. This cheese’s texture could vary from being crumbly to firm to being silky smooth depend on how long it had been left to ripen, The colour of the cheese depends on the texture and usually varies from yellow to a pale white. The fragrance is mild and the taste is quite sharp but fruity. Its flavour makes it one of the most versatile and loved cheeses in the world. People enjoy the asiago cheese with pasta, soups and even in sauces and salad dressings. However, you would best enjoy ot with some dried fruit and crackers if you know how to enjoy some good cheese.

Blue Cheese Is The Most Unconventional

Not many people can master the blue cheese but it is one of the most exotic and popular cheeses in the world. It is hard to like its tangy taste and distinctive aroma at first but if you get the hang of it, you could be converted. The cheese is made by ageing it over a long period of time. It injected with the Penicillium mold in order to get the distinctive blue lines on the cheese that gives it its unique name. The blue cheese is a great addition with appetizers. However, their uniquely salty and strong flavours also make them a great company for desserts.

The OG Cheddar Cheese Is A Popular One

There’s no explanation needed for why the cheddar cheese is so popular. Almost every cheese lover knows this one and has loved it for its creaminess and sharpness of flavour. The cheese derives its name from the Cheddar village in England where it is originally from. It’s one of the most enjoyed cheeses around the world and was declared as the finest cheese by the British royalty in the 12th century.