Published By: Rinks

What Might Happen To Your Body If You Sleep Too Much

Sleep is necessary for health, but too much sleep can also have negative effects on your health. Read on to know them all.

We're the generation that fantasies sleeping through the night with our wide-open eyes for 8 hours straight. And drinking numerous cups of coffee and finishing an entire series at 3 a.m. certainly isn't helping our circadian rhythms! If only we could sleep well tonight, it would be great. However, have you ever thought about what happens if you consistently get more shut-eye than your body requires? The same is true with sleep; you can never get enough of it. Read on to learn about the potential health risks associated with getting more shut-eye than your body needs. If you want to learn about them, keep reading!

Persistent Tiredness

The common idea that getting enough sleep will make you more alert and productive is not true. You will probably feel even more drained and uninspired as a result. Adults need 7–9 hours of sleep per night. As we shall discuss below, getting too much shut-eye can lead to a hazy mind and a loss of focus.

Recurring Headaches

This symptom is commonly associated with neurotransmitter malfunctions that cause excessive daytime sleepiness. Too much sleep might induce headaches. Snoring is also associated with an increased risk of getting up with headaches. Approximately 60% of people who snore on a daily basis also have a high risk of developing sleep apnea.

Health Problems

Sleep deprivation is linked to the development of health problems such chronic depression & back pain. Sleep apnea, which causes frequent awakenings to gasp for air, also can lead to excessive snoozing throughout the day. Negative effects on the cardiovascular system are possible. Instead of feeling refreshed and happy when you wake up, you may find yourself frustrated and drained. It's tough to fight off a grumpy mood on mornings when you awoke feeling tired and realize you won't be able to get as much completed as you'd want.

Decline in Mental Capacity

Besides a quicker rate of cosmetic aging, mental deterioration is also sped up. The latter has the ability to make one seem younger by two years. Excessive snoozing disrupts your sleep schedule and makes it difficult to get up and concentrate. There is evidence linking excessive sleep to a slow metabolism and, in turn, excess body fat. Our metabolic rate decreases normally as we become older.

Heart Conditions

More sleep means more damage to your heart.  Heart disease is the main cause of death, and sleeping for more than 8 hours each night is associated with a 34% increased risk of death.

Health Risk of Being Overweight

Sleep deprivation has been linked in several studies to being overweight, but the converse could also be true. While the two may be related, a causal link cannot be established. What we do know is that a higher body mass index is associated with a greater propensity for protracted sleep duration. Extra-long sleepers are also more prone to be overweight.