Published By: Darielle Britto

How To Set Healthy Boundaries In Your Life

Here are tips to set healthy boundaries in your life.

Setting boundaries in your life could be extremely beneficial in numerous ways. However, doing so can be challenging. Most people tend to avoid it because it can come off as being rude and unfair. The problem is that you end up saying yes to things you do not want to do or do not have the energy for.  But by setting boundaries with people, you could end up having a better relationship with yourself and others. It could also help to make life healthier and happier. Here is all you need to know about setting boundaries in your life.

When You Need to Set boundaries

If this is something your struggle with, you need to take time to assess what are the things that you need boundaries for. If you have ever wanted to say no to something, whether it is doing an activity or an extra load of work, it could be an indication that it is time to set boundaries. Feeling resentful after spending time, energy or money on something you wish you had not done in the first place is another reason to set boundaries with certain people in your life. Boundaries help you give and receive care in a healthy way that feels good. Make sure to create boundaries that allow you to be true to yourself when you continue being in a relationship with people, whether their friends or family.

Ways to Set Boundaries

Acknowledge the issue

The first thing one needs to do to solve any problem is to acknowledge the issue. Initiate a conversation to address concerns so the other person can understand where you are coming from. One tip - start your acknowledgement statements with "I know…". This can help begin the conversation about why you need to set boundaries in your life.

Explain your feeling

Explain why setting boundaries in your life and people has become important to you. Reflect on the point you want to express to share your feelings before you have the conversation. You can do this when you have to have a difficult conversation about how one makes you feel and much more.


Once you have explained your side of things, do not assume that the other person is going to get what you need going forward. State how you would like this relationship to move ahead. Explain what boundaries you would like to set.