Published By: Elisa Ghosh

How to understand your partner better to maintain a healthy relationship

Are you considering a relationship seriously and wondering how to make sure it lasts a long time?

Maybe you have been in a serious relationship for a while and want to make it even stronger. In any case, although partnerships require a lot of work, they are also tremendously rewarding and well worth the effort! Learn how to build a strong relationship through communication, trust, intimacy and respect by reading on.

Create a powerful emotional bond

To strengthen your relationship, be vulnerable with your partner and vice versa. Making your partner feel loved and making sure they feel the same for you are key to keeping a strong emotional bond. Tell your lover you love them and express your deepest feelings to them. You will both feel more understood and emotionally satisfied as you communicate your views and feelings more often. A healthy relationship is one in which there is equal power distribution, open communication and mutual respect. Also, your spouse should not urge you to disclose every single idea or force you to be vulnerable before you are ready. It is also vital to be grateful. Develop the habit of thanking your lover every day! Recognise their accomplishments and express gratitude when they help you.

Establish guidelines and limitations

Boundaries let your significant other know what you require from the relationship. Establish personal limits and guidelines for your partnership. Get vocal assurance from your partner that they understand and will abide by each boundary or expectation before imposing them. By establishing such boundaries, you can avoid confrontation and have a talking point in case someone exceeds the line.

Spend quality time together

To feel close to your lover, like going on dates and doing things together. Even if you have been married for a long time, it is always important to arrange activities with your partner. Designate one night per week as your "date night" and come up with enjoyable activities that you can do together. While it is acceptable to spend some nights at home relaxing, make sure to also do things that will take you out in the town.

Recognise your partner’s requirements

Prioritising each other’s needs makes relationships more satisfying. Just as they should respect your boundaries, you must be aware of your partner’s expectations. Respecting your partner’s boundaries conveys your confidence in their ability to make decisions on their own without betraying you.

So, tell us, are you in a healthy relationship? Find out by checking these few points of maintaining a healthy relationship.