Some effective ways to cope with a difficult co-worker

Because learning cope with a difficult co-worker is also a major life skill.

In your professional career, we often have to come across difficult bosses, difficult clients and difficult co-workers. Now learning to co-exist amicably with a difficult co-worker is a life skill we must excel in. Because in a healthy and positive working environment, you can grow and prosper. Here are a few of the effective ways to deal with a difficult colleague.

  1. Try to voice your opinion
If you are not feeling comfortable and feel constant hostility from your colleague, then try to share your thoughts with the said co-worker. But the key to effective communication would be using the correct language and expression to say your problem. For example, instead of saying you, try to use” I”. So, instead of saying “you are only thinking about yourself”, you can say”, I would appreciate it if everyone in the team is respected”.
  1. Try to understand their perspective as well
Though it may seem difficult, try to understand their perspective as well. Understand that no one is perfect; even your attitude can be unacceptable to someone. What is the reason behind them being difficult in front of you? If you find that out, you may be able to avoid any other difficult situation.
  1. Focus on building a bond with other colleagues
Instead of focusing all your time and energy on one person, try to build positive relations with your other colleagues. Happy and casual interaction in the workplace can increase your work productivity and make you feel happy and enthusiastic.
  1. Avoid indulging in gossip
Even if you have a problem with a particular co-worker, try to avoid gossiping about him or her with other colleagues. Unnecessary gossip would create unnecessary hostility between you two.
  1. Talk to your boss or HR
If, after all your efforts, your co-worker is hostile towards you, which has started impacting your work negatively, then you must take the matter to HR or your superiors. Try to have tangible evidence of their misdemeanour and ask them to find a way to resolve the conflict.
  1. Accept who they are
Try to accept that maybe it is a part of their personality. If they are bossy and finicky, maybe that how they are, and they can’t help it. Learn to accept other’s flaw and sometimes yours too. There must also be something good about them, try to find those qualities.

You must know things, maybe change for you overnight but trying to build a healthy working relationship is a good start.