Published By: Sougata Dutta

Why Is Anger Management Important?

The significance of restraining anger!

Anger is a relative emotion. We do not always get angry for the same reason.  The reasons for our anger are different in each case. It is not possible for me to be angry for the same reason that makes you angry. Usually people do not get angry without a reason. Some of these reasons are acceptable, while others are unacceptable and unreasonable. Social inconsistencies such as injustice, oppression and poverty, along with certain habits and phenomena such as failure, unreasonable expectations, hatred and finding fault with others, are the cause of human anger. Individual differences in the type of expression of anger can be noticed. Some people express their anger directly, and some people do not react to any injustice or misjudgments. This is a very dangerous trait. Such an unresponsive person cannot be physically and mentally healthy.

Anger management: Why do you need it?

The purpose of "anger management" is to learn how to express anger positively and to apply that knowledge in one's life.  Anger is a necessary feeling. When we don't express anger at the right time, we start feeling uncomfortable inside. By mastering the technique of Anger expression, we will be able to convey our disregard in a way that does not harm us or our family members and friends physically, emotionally, or socially. An efficient person always becomes successful by channeling his anger into positive energy instead of expressing it negatively. It is not possible to reduce anger by applying any medicine from outside. We have to master this strategy ourselves. A bad-tempered person makes more mistakes in his work and often is less skilled. The more you can control your anger, the better.

The way uncontrolled anger can be harmful to us

Anger can cause a person to become particularly violent or disorderly.  Self-awareness is very important to get rid of anger. We often verbally abuse our loved ones when we are angry. Many get angry and physically abuse their partners or family members. Which is a very unjust and serious crime. In addition to prayer and yoga, there are various ways in which anger can be gradually controlled. For example, in many cases, anger can be suppressed if an angry person sits or lies down or drinks a glass of water.

Harmful effects of anger on body and mind

Did you know that anger can have devastating effects on your health? According to experts, uncontrolled anger can cause serious damage to our health. Doctors say that excessive anger can lead to fatal problems like headache, indigestion, insomnia, anxiety, depression, hypertension, skin problems and eczema, heart attack, stroke. Anger, like depression, guilt, self-accusation and lack of self-confidence, is another form of deadly mental constraint. When people get angry, the body prepares itself to respond to perceived threats. As a result, the muscles of the body become tense, the digestive process stops, and certain functions of the brain become hyperactive causing severe chemical changes in the brain. The immediate response to excessive anger causes suspension of our digestive system, hindering cell growth, affecting body maintenance, blood circulation, healing process and immune defenses. The heart is most at risk from the effects of anger. Research shows that people with an overactive mood accumulate more calcium in their arteries than others. Which is the primary cause of increased risk of heart attack.

But controlling anger is also not healthy

Holding back anger increases the risk of heart disease threefold. 75% of the diseases in our body are related to our emotional states. When a person suppresses his anger for a longer period, he becomes emotionally numb which leads to emotional blockage. Such people become under confident and tend to gradually withdraw from society.